The Routes
You Choose your route! We have 4 routes to choose from! All 4 routes stop at the first rest stop where you can get a free breakfast burrito!
The 32, 40 and 57 mile routes have a second rest stop with water and snacks and then a third rest stop which also has water and snacks, and is located at Mishler's Amish Grocery Store! They have some fun stuff inside, we encourage you to go in and take a look!
Start Times
Registration is open from 7:30 am to 9 am at Chandler Park (see map on entry form). Suggested start times are as follows: 57 mile at 8 am, 12, 32 and 40 mile at 9 am. We do not have a mass start, just head out when you are ready, but please don't rush, stop and smell the roses! This is not a race.
Download Your Map!
Download your map below, but please check back before the ride, we may change the route a tad due to construction, etc. If we do, I will send a message to the new PPPP google group, so be sure to
let me know you want to be invited to our Google group!
We will have Black and White versions of the map/cue sheet at registration, but if you want one in living color, then print it out yourself and bring it with you!
Note, these are 2 page pdfs.
12 Mile Map/cue sheet
32 Mile Map/cue sheet
40 Mile Map/cue sheet
New for 2023/4 57 Mile Map/cue sheet
GPS Route Downloads!
Thanks to some secret person We have GPS routes!
Ride With GPS:
32 mile route
40 mile route
New for 2023/4 57 mile route (construction)
Garmin Connect
32 mile route
40 mile route
New for 2023 57 mile route (construction)
About the Roads
Please be cautious! We drive the route each year and change it up to try to go on the best roads possible, but some of these roads have bad cracks (we think from the Amish buggies) so please keep your eyes on the road and do not ride too close to each other. We will try to mark the bad spots but we will miss some. Just know that we realize this and try to do our best to keep the routes on the best roads available each year. This is not a race, so please ride safely.